Wednesday, April 24, 2013


All of the sites posted, describe culutral aspects of special days such as Holy week, Christmas, New Year and the Indian Holi Festival. In spite that they are traditions form non english speakers countries- Thailand, Peru, Guatemala and India- they use English as key fact for describing their culture. I think they usea this language, becasue it is a global language, almost every language could be translated into it. A lost of people its interested in culture for traveling, joy, work or any other fact. It is easier to comunicate it in englich than in any other language. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Relajaaadooo" (Relax) I think that's the word you would normally hear me say if you are stressed. At this moment that's my personal culture. I think an important fact that has make be like that is the music I have listened to, since I was a child. Classic music, vallenatos, porros, and many other colombian music has been part of it. You cold be asking, why is this body shaking music could be related to being relaxed? Here´s the answer. Most of colombian music narrates love, friendship, bussines and many other stories and as alla stories they have a happy of a sad end. But what makes if different is the connection that notes have with nature, with peace and evolution. when I listen to this music it makes me remind where I come from and also whare I want to be. but I always have in mind that things go in the right moment, and that things instead of making us suffer, are really making us an advice of how to act in other situations. Things evolve, they don't stay quiet ans steady all of the time. sometimes things that seem to have no solutions, have plenty of them. So be relaxed... But! Not the relax that doesn't makes a thing for its life, is the relexation of beliving that if you continue doind the right movements, thing would get better.

Yes! I'm proud of my country and its culture. I can't quit of feeling my heart beet with its music, and makin me think hiw much I want to see it develop and to be a better place for all to live. right now i'm relaxed, doing my best in my studies to really help my country in the fueture.

If I was the director o Kiva organization I would have lend the money to Isvelia. I think ther bussiness is very structured and with good posibilities of having profits. She seems really enthusiactic, capable and is a well founded dreamer. She is also offering somenthing different to society that can grow  in a surprising way and also become an industry. I would like to add that kiva is an excellent organization because of it's purpose of helping others to improve their financial problems in a good way.

the man of the picture is Kariuki. he's a Matatu driver in Kenya. Matatu is the most commonly used public transport there. But his different from the other matatu drivers, who are seen as violent and dangerous people. Kariuki has undertook the mission of writing about matatu driver's daily life. During the experience with BBC, we could see how was treatment towards them. Besides form being stereotyped as I have said before, they are also controlled by the corrupt Kenyan police. They could be caught for anything and would have to pay big amounts of money or going to prison. They have been named the black sheeps of Kenya.

The matatu drivers situation is very similar to that of mototaxistas here in Barranquilla. For a lot of Barranquilleros is the only way avalaible they have to give something to eat to their childs. As some of mototaxistas have been involved in crimes, alla of them have been stereotyped to be dangerous and killers. the truth is that they aren't all like that, but also they need to be controlled by the state in the aspect of respectign transport rules for the security of all citizens.


Colombia is a diverse country. It's plenty of minorities fighting for their rights and looking for opportunities. Afrocolombians are one of them. In spite they are an important part of Colombian population they have been unprotected for the state almost from the beggining of the country. It is sad to see that the things they have achieved until this day hasn't been in most of the times by governments support. Afrocolombian have had to fought towards the discrimination and opression that colombians have had toward them. colombia must protect them, give them more education, health and culture opportunities. Afrocolombians who are responsible of almost every delicious colombian food, sport international achievements, and many other things must be shown and valued in our society. We can't say colombia is on a good development time if it's people is suffering poverty, inequality and is uneducated. That is not a real development.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It was really the only event I assisted. I went to the Beer Festival with my friends. It was a great night because we enjoyed the carnival feeling all barranquilleros and foreigners had. singers such as Peter Manajarres, J Alvarez, Felipe Pelaez and Martin Elias were part of the Festival. The music was so good, but at the end of the event we were really tired, because it was almost 7 hours that we were standing on our feet. although, it was an excellent night! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013



The carnival has begun! And with it the celebration of the bicentenary of this beautiful city, that has given so many good things to Colombia.

Barranquilla is one of those cities that have had the opportunity of profiting developement with the hand of a well structured culture. Because of that Barranquilla has projected herself to the world, in mention of its culture, the economic dynamic and many other things. This was what saw the INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF CAPITAL CULTURES to choose Barranquilla as the American Capital Culture of the present year. 

All barranquilleros and colombianos must be proud of this mention. It is an incredible opportunity to project the city and the country by the channels Anta 3 and discovery Networks. the world will look us in another way, a center of culture and developement. Where people can share, dance, and do hard work. after the carnival and the year we will see the effect of this mention, because of the posible visits from foreigners and the entrance of what could be more investment in our city.